Family and Ancestors of Mark D. Aubrey

Source Citations

Charles David HUTCHINSON

1Social Secuirty Death Index.

Orlin Helon HAYES

1History Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches (Cleveland: H. Z. Williams & Bro., 1882), p.427.

2Rev. Charles Wells Hayes, M.A., George Hayes of Windsor (Buffalo: Baker, Jones & Co., 1884), p.95.

Mary Ann FOX

1History Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches (Cleveland: H. Z. Williams & Bro., 1882), p.428.

Jannet MASON

1History Trumbull and Mahoning Counties, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches (Cleveland: H. Z. Williams & Bro., 1882), p.428.