Family and Ancestors of Mark D. Aubrey

Source Citations


1Pine Twist Cemetery, Elizabeth, Wirt Co., West Virginia.

2Martha Metz, Wes Cochran, Linda Camp, Wirt Co. Marriages 1854-1899 (Parkersburg, West Virgnia: Self Published, 1983), p.8.

3William A. Marsh, compiler, 1880 Census of West Virginia - Volume 5 (Baltimore: Gateway Press, Inc., 1983), p.692.

Mary Elizabeth ROBINSON

1Pine Twist Cemetery, Elizabeth, Wirt Co., West Virginia.

2Martha Metz, Wes Cochran, Linda Camp, Wirt Co. Marriages 1854-1899 (Parkersburg, West Virgnia: Self Published, 1983), p.8.

31870 U.S. census, Wirt County, West Virginia, population schedule, Burning Springs District, National Archives micropublication M593, roll 1701.

Charles W. BUSH

1Pomroy Mortuary Records and Tombstone inscription.

2The Wirt County Journal, Charles W. Bush obituary (Elizabeth, West Virginia, 08 May 1925), p.1.

31900 U.S. census, Wirt County, West Virginia, population schedule, Clay District, National Archives micropublication T623, roll 1776.

41880 U.S. census, Gilmer County, West Virginia, population schedule, town of Dekalb, National Archives micropublication T9, roll 1402, 174B.


1Pomroy Mortuary Records and Tombstone inscription.

2Pomroy Mortuary Records, Elizabeth, Wirt Co., West Virginia.

31900 U.S. census, Wirt County, West Virginia, population schedule, Clay District, National Archives micropublication T623, roll 1776.

Betty BUSH

1Certificate of Birth - State of West Virginia, County of Gilmer.


1The History Of Wirt County West Virginia (1981), p.306. Sponsored by The Elizabeth Beauchamp Chapter Daughters of American Pioneers.


3Wes Cochran, Wirt County Marriages 1900-1970 (2515 10th Av.  Parkersburg, WV  26101-5829, Self Published, 1993), p.63.


1The History Of Wirt County West Virginia (1981), p.306. Sponsored by The Elizabeth Beauchamp Chapter Daughters of American Pioneers.


3Wes Cochran, Wirt County Marriages 1900-1970 (2515 10th Av.  Parkersburg, WV  26101-5829, Self Published, 1993), p.63.

George Elvin FLUHARTY

704 Camden Ave.
Parkersburg, WV  26101-6010

Carrie F. WELLS

1Funeral Program for Carrie F. Fluharty, Weirton, West Virginia: Alexander West Chapel, 1991.

Floyd Merle FLUHARTY

1Social Secuirty Death Index.

Luda Alverta WILSON

1Funeral Program for Luda A. Fluharty, Elizabeth, West Virginia: Matheny Pomroy Inc., 2000.

Theodore Edwin DENNIS

1Wes Cochran, Wirt County Marriages 1900-1970 (2515 10th Av.  Parkersburg, WV  26101-5829, Self Published, 1993), p.104.

Delcie Grace FLUHARTY

1Social Secuirty Death Index.

2Wes Cochran, Wirt County Marriages 1900-1970 (2515 10th Av.  Parkersburg, WV  26101-5829, Self Published, 1993), p.104.